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Temp Library Assistant - Digital Library Services

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Perform day-to-day operations such as opening and closing of the physical library, shelving of books, simple resource repairs, circulation tasks which include the fulfilment of loan requests andreservations through retrieval, assignment on pickup locker or courier, renewal, and return
  • Perform service desk duties which include requests for loans and reservations as well as answeringenquiries on collection, circulation, facilities, space, and other general questions
  • Provide guidance on the use of facilities, spaces, resources, and equipment such as self-checkoutmachines, Smart locker, scanner, discussion rooms etc.
  • Ensure that all equipment is in good working condition and maintain good housekeeping of the libraryspace such as ensuring clear labels and signages
  • Resolve and troubleshoot all matters related to user and access services
  • Assist with stocktake, shelf-reading, and inventory management which includes moving, packing,organising and retrieval of library materials
  • Assist with simple cataloguing and processing of library resources
  • Assist with outreach efforts, displays, programmes and library events
  • Develop a good understanding of library users and their profiles through day-to-day groundengagement to discover gaps in collection/services and feedback to librarians
  • Provide prompt and adequate support during incidents and emergencies
  • Perform other duties as assigned

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